This Climate Activist Has a Plan to Defeat Trumpism. He’s in Prison.

In October 2023, The World Transformed, the annual conference of the British Labour Party’s leftist flank, offered a grizzled socialist organizer a brief speaking slot. He’d been asked the question “Why is the left losing?”—a mystery many liberals in America …
Miss Joshua Miller · 26 days ago · 1 minute read

Rethinking Democracy: Sortition as a Path to Equitable Governance

Beyond Elections: The Athenian Legacy

In the heart of democracy's cradle, ancient Athens, Aristotle astutely observed that elections were inherently "oligarchical." Power was not granted through popular vote but by sortition—a process of drawing lots.

This unfamiliar concept echoes in our modern jury system, where ordinary citizens wield immense power, proving that giving a representative sample of society a chance to deliberate leads to well-informed decisions.

Sortition in Action: Citizens' Assemblies

Inspired by Athens' ancient wisdom, sortition-based citizens' assemblies have emerged in countries worldwide. From France to Ireland, they have tackled complex issues like abortion and climate change, yielding thoughtful policy outcomes.

These gatherings reflect the true diversity of society, breaking down political and societal divides. By eliminating expensive campaigns and the corrupting influence of incumbents, sortition empowers the average person.

As Hallam, a leading advocate for sortition, highlights, "You create a different political culture, where people listen to each other and overcome polarization."

Expert Quote

"Sortition elevates ordinary people to positions of power and transforms the political landscape, creating a more inclusive, representative, and rational approach to governance."—Dr. Martin Cohen, author of "The Rise of Sortition"