Break Your Bad Online Habits or Wet Your Pants Trying: The Choice Is Yours with TabBOO
Breaking Free from the Digital Abyss: Introducing TabBoo
Jumpscares for Productivity
Have you ever found yourself spiraling down the endless abyss of the internet, losing hours to mindless scrolling? Fear not! TabBoo has arrived, the browser extension designed to shock you out of your browsing trance with unpredictable jumpscares.
Dubbed "the diabolical masterpiece", TabBoo adds heart-stopping moments to websites of your choice, ensuring you'll think twice before clicking that tempting link again.
Aversification for the Masses
Justin and Brian Moore, the creators behind TabBoo, believe in the power of "aversion conditioning." In simpler terms, "we're going to make you regret clicking that link over and over again."
The extension is fully customizable, empowering you to adjust the intensity of your jolts. Remember, it's all in the name of productivity, or perhaps just a little thrill.
Warning: Use With Caution
While TabBoo can be a potent tool for breaking free from digital distractions, it comes with a few side effects. Expect nightmares, jumpy reflexes, and a newfound skepticism toward your once-trusted websites.
Proceed responsibly, or not. You're on your digital journey, after all. May the jumpscares be ever in your favor, or at least provide some amusement in your battle against the digital abyss.